There is only a small number of celebrities that enjoy the stature of millionaires and billionaires and have publicly announced to belong to LGBT community. In 2014, Forbes published a list of 1600 millionaires and billionaires but only 0.4% of them openly identified with the LGBT community. Several in each sector can be ranked as the most famous gay man ever. Most famous gay man ever list has the objective to encourage other people who are still afraid to come out with their sexuality status.
Most famous gay man ever in music and business world
David Geffen is one of the richest and powerful business magnates. He used a fake UCLA degree to find a mailroom job. Later, he founded Geffen Records and Asylum, and co-founded DreamWorks movie studio. In 2007, he announced his gay status and was later named the most famous gay man ever by Out Magazine. Today, he owns about $1 billion worth of Apple stocks, and he is worth a total of $7 billion.
Elton John spent his life in the music business before declaring he was gay. Just like another most famous gay man ever, it was not comfortable for him to reveal the fact that he was gay. One of the challenges was that he was already engaged to his secretary Linda Woodrow. Jon Stryker can also be categorized as the most famous gay man ever. He is known for making $9 billion by selling medical equipment all over the world.

Most famous gay man ever in tech-world
Another most famous gay man ever is Chris Hughes, a former roommate of Mark Zuckerberg and was one of the co-founders of Facebook. He helped in programming and coding of the earliest website as well as acting as the spokesperson. Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple, officially came out in 2014 and discussed his sexuality in Businessweek. He is the most famous gay man ever in recent times considering the success of the company and the influence he may have on many other business people. Another gay man making it in the list as the most famous gay man ever is Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel. Paypal is the largest online transaction system in the world. His personal wealth is about $2.2 billion.
Most famous gay man ever in politics and Journalism
In government, the former New Jersey Governor, James McGreevey stands counted as one of the most famous gay men ever but was married to his first wife, Kari, for six years before marrying the second one for eight years. Lastly, Anderson Cooper, the CNN anchor for Anderson Cooper 360° program announced he was gay recently and therefore stands counted as one of the most famous gay men ever to lead journalists to be proud of their sexuality.